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A perfect Pairing: Chocolate, Cheese, and Hungry Bird Eats

A perfect Pairing: Chocolate, Cheese, and Hungry Bird Eats

Lately, I’ve been hooked on a new combo that might sound weird at first: chocolate, brie, strawberries, and Tina’s Hungry Bird Eats Rye+Sea Salt Crackers. This delicious treat provides just the right mix of crunch and salt, and somehow pulls this whole sweet-savory experiment together perfectly.

I know, chocolate and cheese might seem like a stretch. But trust me, this pairing, sits somewhere between a snack and a dessert, is totally addictive. Try adding a couple of crackers prepared this way to your next cheese board, or treat yourself to it as an afternoon pick-me-up. I’m using the 65% Ghana Methodical Coffee Collaboration from Lumineux, which is an artisanal chocolate brand from Greenville. The coffee-flavored chocolate goes exceptionally well with the crackers, cheese, and strawberries, but you can use any kind of chocolate you like.


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