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Recipe: Polenta with Kale & Mushrooms

Recipe: Polenta with Kale & Mushrooms

Tina: Among my go-to staple foods these days are kale and mushrooms, and it’s hard to go wrong with those two.  We eat these at home in so many different ways because they are easy to make, very healthy, and most importantly just a delightful combination of flavors.

Today I chose to make polenta with my favorite sautéed vegetables. It is perfect recipe for those on a gluten-free diet, and if you don’t care for polenta, you can instead serve the sautéed vegetables with bulgur, quinoa, couscous or rice.

Recipe: Polenta with Kale & Mushrooms

Recipe by 2 Hungry Birds Course: Dinner, Polenta



Among my go-to staple foods these days are kale and mushrooms, and it’s hard to go wrong with those two.  We eat these at home in so many different ways because they are easy to make, very healthy, and most importantly just a delightful combination of flavors.


  • Polenta
  • 4 cups 4 water

  • 1 teaspoon 1 salt

  • 1 cup 1 polenta

  • 1 tablespoon 1 butter

  • ½ cup ½ Parmesan cheese

  • Sautéed Kale and mushrooms
  • 1 tablespoon 1 olive oil

  • 1 1 shallot, chopped

  • 7 oz 7 (200g) mixed mushrooms, coarsely chopped

  • 1 tablespoon 1 soy sauce

  • ½ cup ½ chickpeas, cooked and drained

  • 3.5 oz 3.5 (100g) organic kale, roughly chopped

  • 2 tablespoons 2 sherry vinegar

  • 1 teaspoon 1 dried tarragon

  • 1 tablespoon 1 white wine

  • 1-2 tablespoons 1-2 butter

  • Garnish
  • Chopped chives


  • Polenta
  • Bring the water to a boil in a 2-3 quart pot (with a lid) on medium-high heat and add salt to the water.
  • Slowly and gradually add the polenta whisk the polenta in the boiling water in a steady motion.
  • Continue to whisk until the polenta thickens. Turn down the heat to low and keep whisking until the polenta is thick enough that it doesn’t settle back to the bottom of the pot when you stop stirring.
  • Put a lid on the pot and let it cook for another 30 min. while stirring in between.
  • Mix in the butter and cheese with the polenta and set aside, with the lid on, until you are ready to serve.
  • Sautéed Vegetables
  • Heat a sauté pan with olive oil on high heat, add the mushrooms, and cook for about 5 min.
  • Lower the heat to medium and add the chickpeas and soy sauce and cook for few minutes more until golden.
  • Add the sherry vinegar and kale and sauté until the kale has softened. Stir the tarragon into the vegetables.
  • Serve
  • Pour the polenta in a large dish (preferably covered with a lid to keep the polenta soft and warm) and pour the sautéed vegetables on top. Put the lid on to keep the dish warm.
  • To make a delicious pan sauce, place the previously used sauté pan over medium heat, and add a little white wine to the pan. Let the wine simmer and almost evaporate, and stir in 1-2 tablespoons of butter. Pour the sauce over the polenta and sautéed vegetables, and garnish with chives.
  • Serve immediately.


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